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The customer browsing the junior's blouses is so hot. He's so pretty. Don't get flustered. Don't blush too hard. Don't bite your lips or they might look red and shiny and soft like his.\n\nJack walks over to him. Him? He's wearing women's clothes. There are slight hints of breasts on his chest. He is so pretty. \n\nYou hope they aren't a woman. If they're a woman she'll probably think you're some kind of effeminate little sexual predator who works in the junior's department for the sexual gratification of being near women's clothes. Which you are. You freak.\n\nIf he's a guy you think you could relate to him. He's better than you though.\n\n[[Oh god I can't|clean]]\n[[Jack stays cool|coolJack]]\n[["Your eyeliner is so pretty"|eyeliner]]
To be continued
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"So what if I am" you say under your breath. Jack leans back and sighs. The idea of being a man who is sexually attracted to other men doesn't feel quite right. Men can be really sexy though, like that cute buff guy who bought jeans for his daughter (lucky girl) in four different sizes. He'll be back. Oh yeah.\n\nOr like that hot guy over there looking at women's shirts. Is that a guy? They're really feminine, tall, thin, high cheekbones, shiny hair, pretty pink lips, perfect eyeliner, broad shoulders.... yeah probably a guy. He's so pretty.\n\n[[Oh Right I'm A Salesperson|sell]]\n[[Snap Out Of It Jack!|sell]]\n[[I Wanna Flirt|sell]]
You press the button on the register to make it spit out some blank paper and start drawing. Your hand is a little lazy but some warm up sketches and scribbles gets it moving again. Ugh why do your scribbles always come out looking like dicks? Better scribble over those dick scribbles before someone sees it and decides to fire you for being a fruity little homo.\n\n[[Draw Yourself|portrait]]\n[[Draw A Cute Girl|portrait]]\n[[Draw A Cool Robot|robot]]\n[[There's nothing wrong with being gay!|gay]]
To be continued
Strong angular lines come together to create the image of a giant mecha looking down at you. It's faceplate somehow both caring and stern. It makes you feel safe.\n\nJack looks uncomfortably at what he's drawn. The perspective must be slightly wrong. He crosses it out with a big X.\n\n[[Draw A Cute Girl|portrait]]\n[[Draw Yourself|portrait]]\n[[The fitting rooms need cleaning|fitting]]\n[[Is that a customer over there?|sell]]
To be continued
It is late at night. Jack sits in front of his computer in his bedroom, in his apartment, while his roommate sleeps. Jack half heartedly opens his porn bookmarks then decides to go to bed, to sleep, (perchance) to dream. The subfolder labled "TG" can wait.\n\n[[Go To Sleep Already|wake]]\n[[Bookmarks:TG:Fafner%&TFbranches - library|click]]
Its easy to get lost in the rythm of methodically cleaning the fitting room. Jack doesn't notice the time flying by as he picks up clothes and puts them away nice and neat. Shirts on hangers, pants folded up.\n\nYou pick up a thing that is neither a shirt nor pants. Whatever it is it is pretty. The color and pattern would look nice on you. You bite your lips and slap your cheek to break out of your revere.\n\nYou pick up a dress. Its inside out so you put your arm through one of the sleeves to turn it rightside out. The fabric is unlike any of your own clothes. \n\nIn the mirror you see yourself. Cheeks rosy and lips red from trying to snap out of it. You look cute with that dress. Honestly cute. I take back the big ugly monster comment from earlier.\n\n[[Look away. Its an illusion. I don't want to see it.|lookAway]]\n[[You look good. Maybe you should try makeup.|makeUP]]
You wake up in the morning feeling whatever the opposite of refreshed is. You can't think that clearly right now. What time is it again? You remember the day but it doesn't feel like you lived it. It's afternoon and you're halfway through your shift at the department store.\n\n[[Bug Customers|sell]]\n[[Tidy Up|clean]]\n[[Goof Off|goof]]
Its a slow day so it should be possible to tidy up the place before quitting time. You methodically walk back and forth between racks of fashionable clothes for pretty young women. You'll never fit into any of this stuff (you fat ugly hulking hairy monster), not that you're a girl. Although maybe if you could lose some weight.\n\nA mirror crashes any thoughts of ever being small enough to fit these clothes. You're a man. Deal with it. Don't be fucking gross.\n\n"Ugh what was I doing?" Jack asks.\n\nFitting rooms. The managers are always on your case to make sure the fitting rooms are clean.\n\n[["Yeah the fitting rooms"|fitting]]
Jack's Transformation
Your hand moves swiftly back and forth piling an image out of many many tiny lines making the soft outline of a face. Ugh it looks like it has a beard. Scribble it out and try again.\n\nJack takes a moment to imagine the face he wants to draw. Carefully he traces each line to make a jawline, a nose, an eye, another eye... is that supposed to be you or a girl? Scribble it out and try again.\n\nYou try agin but give up halfway through. You can tell it won't be as good as the second attempt.\n\n[[Is it gay if I liked the one where I looked like a girl?|gay]]\n[[Better clean those fitting rooms before closing|fitting]]\n[[Almost didn't see that customer!|sell]]
Nicole of Sadie System
To be continued
Oh right this stuff again. How could you forget? It's some old boring badly written story about a hapless guy getting turned into a hot girl. Jack sighs and wonders how he ever found that sexy.\n\nYou masturbate anyway.\n\n[[Sleep|wake]]