Sadie Stuff

Stuff We Made!

PICO-8 games require a keyboard to play.

If a game isn't responsive try clicking on it.

Guncore Zeta (PDF document) A PVP mecha combat tabletop game we made in 2010, typed up from an old print out.


Static, For Lonely Nights An insomnia simulator/white noise generator/nostalgia trip. Up/Down changes channels (nothing is on). L/R changes the volume. X mutes the volume. Y turns the TV off/on. Win by falling asleep.

Made by Sarah Jane.


Racey v0.03 This PICO-8 psuedo-3D stuff is coming together!

Made by Sarah Jane. Use your arrow keys to STEER THE ORB.


Racey PICO-8 racing game effects prototype.

Made by Sarah Jane. Press Z to accelerate or X to brake. Imagine yourself riding away from all your problems, into a pastel horizon of unlimited possiblities.


Bunny Jump Mock-up/prototype 8bit bunny-based platformer.

Made by Sarah Jane. Be the bunny princess, hopping in your royal palace garden.


Rainbow Squashy A PICO-8 game you can play in your browser.

Modified by Sarah Jane from the original Squashy, which was created by Alex Mole @TheRealMolen

and printed in Pico Zine #1. 2/18/2016.

AI Contact A short story about a robot who won't look you in the eye. By Sarah Jane. 2/18/2016.

The Name Witch a short pratice twine about the dangers of trying to find yourself. By Sarah Jane and Nicole. 12/2014

Stop Hitting Yourself an unfinished twine game about self hate by Sarah Sadie (trigger warning for mental illness, eating disorder, self harm, suicide, and poverty). 12/2014

You Only Sleep Thrice a short twine made to practice variables and looping story structure by Sarah Sadie. 12/2014

Sarah Jane Sadie's Twitter: @buttercup_bunny